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 All Textile Mills in Landhi Karachi

The textile industry is one of the most important sectors of the Pakistani economy, and Landhi is a major hub for the industry. The mills in Landhi employ thousands of people and contribute significantly to the local economy.

Company NameAddressPhone No.Fax No.Email
Al Karam Textile MillsHT-11, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50138405018632alkaram@alkaram.com
Amna Inds. Pvt. LtdHT-3 Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50187315018730amna@amnaindustries.pk
Artistic MillinerPlot No. 471 & 472 Deh Landhi, Karachi50236945023695artistic@fascom.com
Bari Textile MillsBari House A-29 block 2 PECHS, Karachi45557114555997naqi@barimills.com
Classic KnitwearPlot No. 10-24 sector B-V, EPZA, Karachi50824655082071naeemsuria@cymaenterpriseinc.com
CNW Pakistan Pvt Ltd103, Malir Industrial Area, Karachi44004084504317cnwsocks@super.net.pk
Cyma Enterprise Inc.Plot No. 10-22 sector B-V, EPZA, Karachi50820645082071naeemsuria@cymaenterpriseinc.com
D.J. CorporationPlot # 03, Sector 12-C, North Karachi Industrial Area, Karachi69893096975605jakhura@cyber.net.pk
Dalal Industries Pvt. Ltd.Survey No. 16, 19 & 25 Deh Khanto Tappo, Landhi, Karachi25671122564160dipl@dalalindustries.com
Dawood LawrencepurDawood Centre, MT Khan raod Karachi56886005693416dawoodlaw@cyber.net.pk
Farhan Polymer Industries Ltd.116 Deh Khanto National Highway, Karachi50195652626340farhanpoly@hotmail.com
Fatani Impex Pvt. Ltd.7&8 Deh Sanharoo Tapoo Landhi, Karachi50667025050202fatani@cyber.net.pk
Feroze1888 Mills Limited (Formally Nakshbandi Industries)H-23/4A, Landhi Industrial Area Karachi Karachi50806485082627info@nakshbandi.com
Glob TextileHX-2, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50806405080644globe_tex2super.net.pk
Globe Management Pvt Ltd.38, C-1, Block 6, PECHS, Karachi1117776664548076 5080644gml@cyber.net.pk
Grand Industries Pvt. Ltd.35-B, Block -6 PECHS, Karachi--grandinds@cyber.net.pk
Gul Ahmed Textile Mills Ltd.HT-4, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi1114864865019802guahmed@gulahmed.com
Hamsons Industries Pvt. Ltd.10,11,12,16,17 Deh Khanto Bin Qasim Town, Karachi50318645031867hamsons@cyber.net.pk
HantexPlot # 365 Deh Landhi Bin Qasim Town, Karachi5395323-45395391infor@hantex.biz
Hussain IndustriesHT-8 Adamjee Road Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50185365018537sales@husein.com
International Textile DistributorsNo.3, Sector B-VIII, EPZA, Karachi50821715082172inttex@cyber.net.pk
K. H. Fama Textile Processing Pvt. LtdPlot # LC-42/B Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi43875064310405fama@cyber.net.pk
Kam International Pvt. Ltd.Plot # 421/51, Deh Landhi Tappo, Karachi50823245082326shoaib@kam-int.com
Kassim Textile Mills Ltd.Plot no 62 25 KM National Highway Landhi Karachi50211605015261info@kasimtex.com.pk
Liberty Mills LimitedPlot # 350 Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi25781002561050asif.yunus@libertymillslimited.com
Lucky Textile MillsPlot No. 71, Deh Khanto Main National Highway,Karachi50278705027886luckytex@luckytextilemills.biz
M.F. Corporation (Pvt) Ltd.16-E, Block 6 PECHS Karachi45345684558289m-f@cyber.net.pk
M.N. Textile Mills Ltd.LX-5 Scheme 3&4 L.I.A, Karachi50842245084378mntx@cyber.net.pk
Mekotex495-H Landhi Main National Highway, Karachi50814285081430mekotex@cyber.net.pk
Metro Textile Mills Ltd.Plot No. 350 Deh Landhi, Karachi77268727722481sai6asif@cyber.net.pk
Mohammad Farooq Textile Mills Ltd.1st Floor, Finlay House, I.I. Chundrigar Road Karachi24129412416518mftml@cyber.net.pk
Mulla International97, Malir Industrial Area, Karachi41158234515968mulla@fascom.com
Nagaria Textile Mills Ltd.7th Floor, Business Center, Dunolly Road, Karachi24125012419259nagaria@mail.com
Naz Textile Pvt. LtdLX-09, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50824722561832export@naztextiles.com
Olympia Spinning MillsLX-19, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50809235080926mill@olympiaspinning.com
Orient Textile Mills Ltd.501, Deh Landhi National Highway, Karachi50119635011965orient@alkaram.com
Pakistan National Textile Mills LtdDeh Khanto 68, National Highway, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50198925015249aghagroup@cyber.net.pk
Popular Fabrics Pvt. Ltd25th Kilometer National Highway, Karachi50150005025000info@populargroup.com
Premier Cotton Pvt. LtdLX-8, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50836745081287pcotton@cyber.net.pk
Rajby Textile Mills Ltd.Survey No. 54, Deh Landhi, Bin Qasim Town, Karachi111 149 1495060142rajby@rajby.com.pk
Salfi Textile Mills Ltd.HX-1 Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50817025081706admn.stm@tatatex.com
Siddiqsons Industries Pvt. Ltd93, Deh Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi25600672564736siddiqusons@cyber.net.pk
Soorty Enterprises Pvt. Ltd26 Sector 23, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi50699595060584shahid@soorty.com
Tex & Stitch79, Malir Industrial Area, Karachi45027294402345Tex_stich@cyber.net.pk
Variety Center96, Malir Industrial Area, Karachi45166834515969V_mulla@fascom.com
Yunus Textile Mills Ltd.H-23/1, Landhi Industrial Area, Karachi50813055081226ceoffice@yunustextile.com

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